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My Favorite Restorative Sequence

This sequence is my go-to. It's simple, adaptable, and gently moves your spine in all directions. My recommendation is to set a timer (on vibrate) on your phone to indicate when to move into the next pose. You can time each pose at 3, 5,10, or even 20 minutes- just hold poses 2 &3 for the same amount of time.

1. Childs Pose: You may not need any props here but you may decided you want a bolster ( or two pillows) under your torso.

2. Supported Twist: set your bolster up to your right side. Zig-zag both legs with knees bent to the left. Gently turn your torso to your bolster creating a twist in your spine and rest down.

3. Supported Twist: Follow the instructions on step 2, with your bolster to the left and legs to the right.

4. Supported Cobbler's Pose: Set the bolster long behind you. Scoot your butt up to the bolster or maybe an inch away. Rest your back onto the bolster. You can keep your feet planted with knees bent, rest your legs longs, or bring the soles of your feet together knees wide with blocks supporting your knees.

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